Preparatory Meetings
November 2021 GFMD Meetings
December GFMD Preparatory Meetings
September GFMD 2020 Preparatory Meetings
Second Preparatory Meetings of the Troika and Steering Group and First Preparatory Meeting of the Friends of the Forum
Third Preparatory Meetings of GFMD 2019 Chairmanship
Third Meetings of the Troika, Steering Group and Friends of the Forum
2nd Preparatory Meetings of GFMD 2019 Chairmanship
Second Meetings of the Troika, Steering Group and Friends of the Forum
First Preparatory Meetings of GFMD 2019 Chairmanship
First Meetings of the Troika, Steering Group and Friends of the Forum
Second round of simultaneous Government-led RT preparatory meetings
Seventh GFMD Preparatory Meetings
Sixth GFMD Preparatory Meetings
Sixth Meetings of the Troika, Steering Group and Friends of the Forum
5th GFMD Troika Meeting
Troika Meeting
Fifth GFMD Preparatory Meetings
Fifth Meetings of the Troika, Steering Group and Friends of the Forum
4th GFMD Friends of the Forum Meeting
Friends of the Forum Meeting
4th GFMD Steering Group Meeting
Steering Group Meeting
4th GFMD Troika Meeting
Troika Meeting
3rd GFMD FOF Meeting
Friends of the Forum Meeting
3rd GFMD Troika Meeting
Troika Meeting
Fourth GFMD Preparatory Meetings
Second GFMD 2017-2018 Preparatory Meetings - Reception
Reception hosted by Mr. El Habib Nadir, Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs and Mr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme, Germany’s Ambassador for the 2017 / 2018 GFMD